
"ONLINE...? ONLINE...? I DON'T SEE A LINE." -- my Mum.

onsdag, november 24, 2004

Impositions to enjoyment of our environment are everywhere. And too many people don't seem to mind. Many a Singapore bus-ride means contending with the inane blare of TV Mobile - a pet hate of mine, especially when they have wall-to-wall, cheaply-bought candid camera on - with the canned laughter cranked up. I will not document my fantasies about what I'd do to the producers of this crap, given the chance. But these are the complaints of the privileged - like complaining about airline food: remember at least you got to fly - isn't that miraculous?.

Today's complaint of privileged me would be going to the sometimes scary sci-fi shopping complex of SUNTEC CITY. Some bright spark has decided that TV Mobile should be blasting out in their already cacophonous food hall. Nevermind being hungry, I fled - while noting no-one else seemed to mind the noise; but nor was anyone paying the screens a blind bit of attention. Blind? I had a blinding headache after this.

COMMENT: Awww, poor sensitive baby. Maybe you have that neurological disorder: Asperger's Syndrome. And what the hell are you doing devoting time to whining on about the "Nazi crap" of Scott, Aiken & Waterman; Kenny G; Whitney and all?

fredag, november 12, 2004


Had I the time and means to B-logue then last week's US Election should have prompted comment. Instead I resort to a Mark Twain quote that opens a biography of Jim Carrey ("Unmasked" 1995 paperback cash-in):

"Hain't we got all the fools in town on our side?
And hain't that big enough majority in any town?"

---------- Mark Twain, "Huckleberry Finn"

If I had time to B-logue then I might mention the man from the place of worship near my house - the man who helped himself to one of my sacred plant pots. Asked what he thought he was doing. He said I wasn't using it; that there was nothing growing in it. How did he know?

Asked what he was going to grow. "Oh, no... it's for the praying. Put the jasmine." Pointed out it wasn't his for the taking. He said: "You are right". I didn't point out I thought there's a certain law he should know of where people who steal get their hands cut off.

Perhaps he would have waved me off like a similar gentleman from another recent encounter on the same patch after I asked he not deposit his plastic bag of violently green drink outside my place. He picked it up, waited till he thought I was out of view and lobbed it again. Followed him into his place of worship with the offending article and put it in the bin, asking why he was incapable of doing so. He thanked me and said “Now you go”.

torsdag, oktober 28, 2004

PEELAPPEAL: A new word for the world

Hereby beginning a campaigning to instate this word into common parlance...

Peelappeal (adj, n, vb): music (or equiv) with otherwise indefinable qualities that would appeal to John Peel -- the late, great virgo broadcaster.

onsdag, oktober 27, 2004


"My wife... knows that when I die, the only words I want on my tombstone, apart from my name, are: 'Teenage Dreams, So Hard To Beat.' What more do you need?"

-- John Peel, The Guardian 2001
R.I.P: JOHN PEEL (1939 - 2004)

Wherever I have been during the last 20 years, John Peel show has been of the few constants in my life - not to mention the first place I heard the vast majority of my favourite music makers. I can't think of a single record I got purely on the strength of some critic's recommendation. John Peel, however, pointed me in so many exciting musical directions.

When it comes to hearing new music, friends’ recommendations are often your best bet. Peel was one of those friends. To millions.

At least it’s heartening to hear Peel’s passing makes the World News. Because it is - for my world and, I discover, the worlds of many others.

Here’s an admission: I can gladly fess up how John Peel influenced my music making. Wondering "Would Peel play this (if he got the chance)?" has often informed what I've done – even if you or he will never hear it. And I'm sure this influence will endure.

I don’t know how it is for others, but when I do music stuff on my own, there's some kind of ghost audience or context it's meant for - whether I realise it or not. And I know an imagined John Peel has regularly appeared (held-tilted; listening, arms-crossed) in these scenarios (as well as in my deepest dreams at night). His approval means a lot. Now, not having the possibility of being able to get it from him again -for real- has dramatically changed the psychic geography of landscape I bumble around in.

This is only one way I am going to miss John Peel, and the most selfish. I already knew I was going to miss him. But I can’t imagine how much.

first heard it on Peel:
the song I want
played at my funeral

tirsdag, oktober 19, 2004

IMAGINARY FILMS – 5 Easy Peaches:

Beaver Las Vagas
- Cute damn-building animals go gambling to raise funds to save their natural habitat. End up flooding the desert.

Hate and-a-half - Italian director’s masterpiece about his good-looking alter-ego struggling with his master peace.

8 1/2 Mile - Detroit rapper dons glasses and looks good amidst surreal events and memory barrage. Black and white.

Debbie Does Dull-ass - Sexless nerd’s skin flick. Skin is flicked.

søndag, september 05, 2004

Some people write horror stories - Some people just are.
Singapore ghost story writer, Damien Sin, has been going to cash converters to sell-off his CDs. They now only pay one dollar. He made a scene about this. Got himself banned from yet another of his haunts.

torsdag, april 29, 2004

I should have mentioned that w/ the new job I asked how to proceed re:
A medical I need to take to get a legit employment pass.
Supervisor tells me: "Let’s have a chat when I have time and you have time".
She then legs it to Bible class.

There are three teams. I was taken on as the C-Team copywriter.
When I was young I used to watch this TV programme: the A-Team.
Mt.T was in it. He played a guy called "B.A.". Stood for ‘Bad Attitude’.
One of his lines was ‘"DON'T HATE THE MAN... PITY THE FOOL"

I got a B(A). I got it at a University in England.
But it doesn’t seem to count for much here.
Here I find my English is adapted into clumsy nonsense by Clients .

Slim Hope passes the hooch to Fat Chance.
They sing a blues number.

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